Male's advanced age negatively impacts embryo development on short-term insemination IVF cycles with younger female patients 2018.03.18 当院の論文学会発表
Morphologically poor blastocysts could affect the implantation rate of a morphologically good blastocyst during a double-blastocyst transfer for patients who have experienced repeated implantation failures. 2018.03.18 当院の論文学会発表
Difference in the size of the placenta and umbilical cord between women with natural pregnancy and those with IVF pregnancy. 2018.03.18 当院の論文学会発表
Single balloon aberration into the uterus despite no rapture of the fetal membranes: A case report 2017.03.18 当院の論文学会発表
Medical intervention during labor increases after in vitro fertilization pregnancy. 2017.03.18 当院の論文学会発表
Dichorionic triplets following frozen-thawed poor-stage embryo transfer: a report of two cases and a review 2017.03.18 当院の論文学会発表