神奈川県の不妊治療専門クリニック 矢内原ウィメンズクリニック

  • Effect of Male Cigarette Smoking on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Outcomes and Embryo Morphokinetic Parameters
    R.Taniguchi, S.Hatakeyama, S.Ohgi, A.Yanaihara
    Cureus., 16(1), 2024
  • Efficacy of Hyaluronan-Enriched Transfer Medium for Low-Grade Frozen Embryo Transfer
    Y. Horiuchi, A. Yanaihara, S. Hatakeyama, Y. Taga, T. Kondou, G. Kuramoto, S. Ohgi
    Cureus., May 19;15(5), 2023.
  • First birth following assisted sperm fusion insemination using sperm bound to zona pellucida
    S. Hatakeyama, Y. Araki, Y. Araki, S. Ohgi, A. Yanaihara
    J Assist Reprod Genet., Jun 12., 2020.
  • Fertilization with human sperm bound to zona pellucida by pressing onto the oocyte membrane
    S. Hatakeyama, Y. Araki, S. Ohgi, A. Yanaihara, Y. Araki
    Hum Cell., 33; 521-527, 2020.
  • Pregnancy from frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer increases risk of emergency cesarean section: a single-center retrospective study
    Yanaihara A., Hatakeyama S., Hirano A., Ishikawa M., Taniguchi R., Ohgi S.
    Clin Obstet Gynecol Reprod Med., 5(3); 1-4, 2019.
  • Tendency prediction for atonic bleeding following a problem-free pregnancy
    Yanaihara A., Hatakeyama S., Ohgi S., Hirano A., Yanaihara T.
    J Clin Gynecol Obstet., 8(2); 39-43, 2019.
  • Morphologically poor blastocysts could affect the implantation rate of a morphologically good blastocyst during a double-blastocyst transfer for patients who have experienced repeated implantation failures.
    Ohgi S., Taga Y., Anakubo H., Kurata Y., Hatakeyama S., Yanaihara A.
    Reprod Med Biol., 1-6, 2018.
  • Single balloon aberration into the uterus despite no rapture of the fetal membranes: A case report.
    Yanaihara A., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Hirano A., Takanena S., Yanaihara T.
    Obst & Gyne Inter J, 8:3, 2017.
  • Medical intervention during labor increases after in vitro fertilization pregnancy.
    Yanaihara A., Michiba F., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Hirano A., Takenaka S., Yamashita M., Yanaihara T.
    Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. XLIV, n 6, 2017.
  • Difference in the size of the placenta and umbilical cord between women with natural pregnancy and those with IVF pregnancy.
    Yanaihara A., Hatakeyama S., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Tanaguchi R., Hirano A., Takenaka S., Yanaihara T.
    J Assist Reprod Genet., 35(3):431-434, 2018.
  • Dichorionic triplets following frozen-thawed poor-stage embryo transfer: a report of two cases and a review
    Yanaihara A., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Tanaguchi R., Hatakeyama S., Yanaihara T.
    Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology., 15:80, 2017.
  • In Vitro Fertilization Pregnancy is One of the Risk Factor for Atonic Bleeding in Problem-Free Pregnancy.
    Yanaihara A., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Hirano A., Takenaka S. and Yanaihara T.
    J Preg Child Health, 4:308, 2017.
  • An abdominal ectopic pregnancy following a frozen-thawed ART cycle: a case report and review of the literature.
    Yanaihara A., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Hagiwara Y., Mogami T., Saito K., Yanaihara T.
    BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17:108, 2017.
  • Tablet terminals: a useful tool to explain in vitro fertilization treatment.
    Yanaihara A., Ohgi S., Motomura K., Yanaihara T.
    Fertility Research and Practice, 3:4, 2017.
  • A comparison of the clinical outcomes of embryos derived from intracytoplasmic sperm injection after early fertilization check and conventional insemination using sibling oocytes.
    Ohgi S., Hagihara C., Hisayo Anakubo H., Yanaihara A.
    Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2015.
  • A morphologically poor blastocyst could affect the implantation rate of a morphologically good blastocyst during a double-blastocyst transfer for patients who have experienced repeated implantation failures
    Ohgi S, Taga Y, Anakubo H, Kurata Y, Hatakeyama S, Yanaihara A
    Reprod Med Biol., 11;17(3):249-254. 2018.
  • Difference in the size of the placenta and umbilical cord between women with natural pregnancy and those with IVF pregnancy.
    Yanaihara A, Hatakeyama S, Ohgi S, Motomura K, Taniguchi R, Hirano A, Takenaka S, Yanaihara T.
    J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Nov 14. doi: 10.1007/s10815-017-1084-2.
  • Dichorionic triplets following frozen-thawed poor-stage embryo transfer: a report of two cases and a review.
    "Yanaihara A, Ohgi S, Motomura K, Taniguchi R, Hatakeyama S, Yanaihara T. "
    Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2017 Oct 3;15(1):80.
  • Tablet terminals: a useful tool to explain in vitro fertilization treatment.
    Yanaihara A, Ohgi S, Motomura K, Yanaihara T.
    Fertil Res Pract. 2017 Jan 23; 3: 4.
  • An abdominal ectopic pregnancy following a frozen-thawed ART cycle: a case report and review of the literature.
    Yanaihara A, Ohgi S, Motomura K, Hagiwara Y, Mogami T, Saito K, Yanaihara T
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017 Apr 7;17(1):108.
  • A comparison of the clinical outcomes of embryos derived from intracytoplasmic sperm injection after early fertilization check and conventional insemination using sibling oocytes.
    Ohgi S, Hagihara C, Anakubo H, Yanaihara A.
    Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2016 Apr;293(4):887-92.
  • A comparison of the clinical outcomes of rescue ICSI and conventional insemination using sibling oocytes
    Ohgi S, Takahashi M, Kishi C, Suga A, Yanaihara A.
    Human Reproduction 2012; 27 suppl 1: i201 (P-217).
  • The sperm molitity index after swim-up can be used to predict the occurrence of normal fertilization following conventional insemination during ART
    Ohgi S, Takahashi M, Kishi C, Suga A, Yanaihara A.
    Human Reproduction 2010; 25 suppl 1: i151 (P-89).
  • Opimization of a novel nylon mesh container for human embryo ultrarapid vitrification
    Nakashima A, Ino N, Kusumi M, Ohgi S, Ito M, Horikawa T, Nakagawa K, Saito T, Kamura T, Saito H.
    Fertil Steril 2010; 93: 2405-2410
  • Laparoscopy-assisted transabdominal oocyte retrieval in an infertility patient with ovarian malposition
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Nakashima A, Horikawa T, Saito H, Sugiyama R
    Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 2009; 8: 85-87
  • Continuous use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-agonist maintains high LH concentrations at the time of oocyte retrieval in women undergoing GnRH-a long protocol ART treatment and stimulation with recombinant FSH
    Ohgi S, Nakagawa K, Nakashima A Horikawa T, Sugiyama R, Saito H
    Archives of Medical Science; 2009; 5: 74-49
  • The ratio of late-follicular to mid-follicular phase LH concentrations efficiently predicts ART outcomes in women undergoing ART treatment with GnRH-agonist long protocol and stimulation with recombinant FSH
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Nakashima A Horikawa T, Sugiyama R, Saito H
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2008; 25: 359-364
  • Glutathione S tranferase theta 1 expressed in granulosa cells as a biomarker for oocyte quality in age-related infertility
    Ito M, Muraki M,Takahashi Y, Imai M, Tsukai T, Yamakawa N, Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Horikawa T, Iwasaki W, Iida A, Nishi Y, Yanase T, Nawata H, Miyado K, KanoT, Hosoi Y, Saito H.
    Fertil Steril 2008; 90: 1026-1035
  • Transient thyrotoxicosis following prolonged use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in women with endometriosis - a cese report
    Nakashima A, Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Horikawa T, Kamura T, Saito H.
    Archives of Medical Science; 2008; 4: 200-203
  • Laparoscopic proximal tubal division can preserve ovarian reserve for infertility patients with hydrosalpinges
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Nakashima A Horikawa T, Ito M, Irahara M, Saito H
    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2008; 34: 1037-1042
  • Insurin resistance in oligomenorrheic infertile women with non-polycystic ovary syndrom
    Ohgi S, Nakagawa K, Kojima R, Horikawa T, Ito M, Saito H
    Fertil Steril 2008; 90: 373-7
  • Elevated basal FSH levels, if it is under 15 IU/L, will not reflect poor ART outcome.
    Kojima R, Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Horikawa T, Ito M, Saito H
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2008; 25: 73-77
  • The frequency of ovulation from the affected ovary decreases following laparoscopic cystectomy in infertile women with unilateral endometrioma during a natural cycle
    Horikawa T, Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Kojima R, Nakashima A, Ito M, Takahashi Y, Saito H
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2008; 25: 239-44
  • Adenomyosis in a patient with mosaic Turner syndrome - case report-
    Kojima R, Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Horikawa T, Nakashima A, Saito H
    Archives of Medical Science; 2008; 4: 85-87
  • The impact of laparoscopic cystectomy on fecundity of infertility patients with ovarian endometrioma
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Kojima R, Sugawara K, Ito M, Horikawa T, Irahara M, Saito H
    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2007; 33: 671-676
  • Laparoscopy should be strongly considered for examining women with unexplained infertility
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Horikawa T, Kojima R, Ito M, Saito H
    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2007; 33: 665-670
  • Uterine artery embolization should not be recommended without careful consideration in the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids.
    Ohgi S, Nakagawa K, Inoue H, Yasuda m, Saito H
    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2007; 33: 506-511
  • Recombinant-follicle stimulating hormone is more effective than urinary human menopausal gonadotropin in ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproductive technology treatment.
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Kojima R, Sugawara K, Horikawa T, Ito M, Irahara M, Saito H
    Reproductive Medicine and Biology 2007; 6: 27-32
  • Reduction of perifollicular arterial blood flow resistance after hCG administration is a good indicator of the recovery of mature oocytes in ART treatment.
    Nakagawa K, Ohgi S, Kojima R, Itoh M, Horikawa T, Irahara M, Saito H
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2006; 23: 433-438
  • Intraovarian arterial blood flow resistance in oligomenorrheal infertile women.
    Nakagawa K, Takahashi Y, Ito M, Horikawa T, Ohgi S, Irahara M, Saito H
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2006; 23: 105-110
  • Laparoscopic pelvic evaluation should be performed in unexplained infertility patients under 35 years of age prior to ART treatment.
    Ohgi S, Nakagawa K, Kojima R, Horikawa T, Ito M, Takahashi Y, Saito H
    Human Reproduction 2006; 21 suppl 1: i144.
  • Molecular interactions between sperm and oocyte in the mouse
    Tahakashi Y, Nakagawa K, Kawachiya S, Itoh M, Horikawa T, Ishida-Foale GM, Ohgi S, Kojima R, Saito H.
    J Mamm Ova Res., 22: 119-127, 2005.